So a few days ago I decided to try InWorldz...a Second Life lookey-likey...stick it in Google to find it!
And it's great! Think Second Life 3 or 4 years ago and you'll get the picture...tiny, with 600 or so regions and 20,000 users - when I logged in there were 160 residents online :-)
Its the excitement of being in at the start of something that's attracting me...and the running costs too. A lot less expensive than SL and 45,000 prims with each region....compared with 15,000 in SL. I am going to give it a try, run it alongside SL, and see how it goes.
I have bought a tiny piece of land next to a vast sea which will link mainlands together and so hopefully will go up in value, and I am renting a shop in a gorgeous mall - I will post more about this when I have taken some snapshots.
If you do decide to take the plunge into InWorldz be sure to give me a shout and check my profile for a LM to the IW store.
Hope to see you there as well as in Second Life!