
Friday, 31 December 2010

Hot Bean-Bags for Cool Avis!

Head over to the main store and grab one of these cute funky beanbags! Two bean-bags - each one is texture-changeable and has 13 different designs to choose from! There is bound to be one you love! And at 100L$ each and only 2 prims they won't break your Linden balance or your prim allowance!

You'll also find some sweet little wicker baskets lined with gingham - 100L$ for a set of 3 or free if you sign up to the KaiaGaia update group using the Subscriber by the entrance. You'll receive a thank you gift box containing a whole range of beautiful items for your Second Life as well as regular updates and freebies!

And I guess it just remains for me to wish you all a Happy New Year and send best wishes for 2011!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

New! KaiaGaia Maroc Range - Updated - Now In-Store!

Pop over to the KaiaGaia store at Indigo Sky to find a hint of Summer with our Maroc range.

Cool, soft vanilla ice cream linen contrasts with warm, spicey colours on the pillows which are colour changeable and are animated.

Accessories are available as well with candles, a gorgeous rug and some artwork for your walls.

The bedroom set includes a pretty bed with four animations and colour change pillows and throws and a gorgeous hanging sphere chair with two animations - one sit and the cutest curl up animation. Go check it out at the main store at Indigo Sky!

Twomoons Island...Fantastic!

Just occasionally I stumble across the most amazing places in Second Life which are worthy of a mention in the KaiaLife blog...just so you can go see them too!

And Twomoons Island is one of those places. A beautiful, fantasy island with the most incredible skies - keep your viewer on region default for the best view...and your draw distance as high as you can get it.

Look out for the two moons, I couldn't get the texture to rezz properly though I waited for ages. I think the Sim probably has alot of scripts running which makes it laggy, but it's still worth a visit. There are a few shops there so go explore!

You'll find the landmark to the right of this post!

Monday, 13 December 2010

NEW! Cosy Fire Cushions With The Cutest Animation!

New In-Store now the cutest cushions! A pile of pillows, thrown onto the floor with a sweet hand-warm animation just perfect for those cosy nights round the fire!

In shabby shades of navy, scarlet and snow one cushion is texture changeable with the Union Jack or Stars and Stripes - just choose!

Keep a look out as I am planning more sets like this :-)

NEW! Updated Beachcomber Range In-Store Now!

Well I have finally got my act together and updated the Beachcomber range! No more ugly pose balls - you will find the animations in the pillows and throws.

I have also added a rose pink texture for even more versatility.

Beachcomber is unashamedly feminine with pure white linens and beautiful jewel-like shades of pink, plum, lavender and lime accessories. And all the cushions and throws are texture-changeable via a menu which pops up on your screen when you right click touch them. So you can mix and match to your heart's content!

The whole set, which includes a living room and bedroom set, is lovingly constructed from white-washed distressed wood. Great for your shabby chic cottage or your beachside home that so many of us love in Second Life!

Get over to the store in Indigo Sky and pick up your set now!

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Blizzard Cove...A Gorgeous Place To Live

As you know, in the past I designed and owned Kaia Estates in SL. It was a place I was very proud of, a place I loved and I was very upset when eventually I had to let it go. It was a group of Sims which, I think, showed SL beauty to its full potential, from the majestic crashing waves on the surf beach to the tiny squirrel that lived on Sandalwood.

Searching Second Life for a new home showed me that there are very few places like has taken me weeks and weeks to find a new place to live - I am a perfectionist and very fussy! But flying around various LMs picked up on the Marketplace I stumbled across Blizzard Cove - a beautiful tropical Sim with hidden pools, sandy beaches and lots and lots of palm trees - and private rental properties.

A chat with owner Bridgetta Smythe showed her to be just as passionate about her Estate as I was, which is lovely to see when there are so many huge, anonymous estates in SL.

At the time of blogging there were no vacancies on the Sim but its well worth a look and maybe bookmarking it for future reference.

You'll find the SLURL under the Favourite Haunts tab on the right :-)

New Year....New Store....Again!

Huge apologies but I have decided to move the main store again...the Eastern Spell sim proved to be so laggy it took an age for me to rezz anything and that's not the kind of service I want for my clients!

So after a great deal of TPing and searching I found Indigo Sky and have bought 1/8th Sim for the shop. To date the building is up and there are some items rezzed. Please bear with me - I am going as fast as I can but its a busy time of year in RL as well as SL. (Make mince pies or rezz a sofa....hmmm...that kind of thing!)

You will find Rudolph and Frosty, the Christmas KaiaBears, as well as a new, updated version of the Beachcomber range which is so popular. Updated because you can't see the poseballs - yayy!!! I have wanted to take them out for a while now - they are so ugly. So you can expect the entire KaiaGaia range to be ball-free but still with the great animations you have come to expect in stylish, low-prim furniture.

I am also working on some Christmas home decorations and will post and send out a group notice once they are in-store.

You'll find the SLURL to the new main store over on the right of this post...please check it out and let me know what you think!

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Spice Up Your Kaia Life!

In celebration of the opening of the new store in Second Life at Eastern Spell I have created this tiny shabby chic olive spice chest. Place it in your SL kitchen or use it as a jewellery box! For your most precious things!

The chest is available only as an exclusive gift for group members so pop along to the store and join up to receive your free group joining box (which contains loads of group exclusives) plus updates and news from KaiaGaia!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

New Store Location in Second Life!

I am pleased to announce that I have bought a small parcel of land in Second Life and will be starting work on the new store in the next few days!

The store will be located on the quiet Eastern Spell sim - link to the right of this post - see you there!